Friday 16 October 2020


 I want to tell you an event that will change the course of my life. I did something that makes me unable to come back. it took me on exciting and thrilling adventures for me, it even took me around the world.

it began with monthly shopping activities. I saw that my life's necessities were running low there earlier this month. I immediately got out of my nest and headed for the nearest supermarket.

I took the trolley and pushed it in different directions. I put my necessities into this cart. I saw a lot of people walking around in this big supermarket, mostly girls (you know, girls love shopping). but nothing catches my attention I see almost all the girls here, both customers and employees, their hair is coiled and tied by plastic clip. Honestly, I don't like that hairstyle, and lately I rarely see girls who their hair was tied by rubber ban.

When I passed the soap section, I saw something rare. I saw a supermarket clerk who was arranging goods in the soap section. lanky tall, slender enough, but I didn't care about that. I only care what is over her head. she tied her hair in a rubber hair tie. The come out looks shiny like a black pearl. This round bun reminds me of my childhood, to be precise when I got an erection for the first time. this time I really got an erection, really hard.

I don't want to miss this. luckily i brought spyglasses, glasses with hidden cameras I use these glasses to take pictures clandestinely. I immediately put on the glasses, then approached the shelf where the employee worked. I stood on her left, pretending to find soap. every chance I get I look to the right and take a picture of her head. After five times taking pictures, I then walked to the shelf behind, pretending to be again. I shot the back of her head 3 times. I wonder what her name is, as I remember every employee here has a name tag. I immediately pressed the record video button. and after that I poked the employee earlier, she automatically turned to face me. I pretend to ask about the soap I'm looking for. I focused my glasses on her face and then her chest, especially the name tag. after my brief conversation with Lisa (the employee) was over, I went straight to the cashier.

Since my meeting with Lisa, I have become more and more obsessed with her bun. I became more and more often visiting the supermarket just to see and take pictures of the bun on her head. Most of the results of Lisa's come out on my hard drive, but I share a few of the photos in cyberspace.

over time I felt dissatisfied when I only saw the come off. One day I even overheard Lisa talking to her friend, when at the end of the month she wants to get a haircut. "I'm bored with this bun," she said, holding the bun. ouch, what i must do? I will lose that sparkling bun for good. Maybe if I cut the bun myself, I wouldn't lose her beautiful hair because it would be mine.

for 2 weeks, I made preparations to 'save' Lisa's bun. I find out how the pattern of daily life. when does she wake up in the morning when does she go to work? Where does she live? what places does she pass on her way to work? After gathering information for 2 weeks, I finally got to the main stage.

it was night. I waited behind a large trash can near the employee exit. After 15 minutes of waiting, Lisa finally came out of the door with her 3 friends. I immediately followed Lisa but kept my distance so as not to get suspicious.

after passing 3 blocks, Lisa parted ways with her friend and entered an alley, luckily I know the ins and outs of this alley. Long story short, I took a shortcut to an appropriate strategic point to ambush Lisa.

so as not to be caught, I put on a ski mask. while hiding behind the wall, I poured sleeping pills on a handkerchief.

soon I heard Lisa's footsteps. she passed my hiding place, I did not spare her. I covered her mouth with a handkerchief. Lisa was shocked, she tried to break free but it was too late, she was affected by sleeping pills and finally fell on her back, her front body touching the ground. I saw no one was here, so I dragged him to my hiding place earlier. there I run my action.

first I held Lisa's bun. It's been a long time since I felt women's hair. This bun is bigger than my aunt's bun and feels firm but soft. I can not take it anymore, I took the scissors from my pants pocket. I point the scissors at the crown and cut Lisa's hair bun, right under Lisa's hair tie. a pair of scissors and a cut come off shouted at each other. this clearly makes me even more hardened shortly thereafter, the come off of Lisa's head. kulihay now Lisa's hair becomes short and random. I immediately left the place, leaving Lisa unconscious..

A few days later, I went to the supermarket for weekly shopping. I don't see Lisa. I asked one of her friends. she said Lisa was still traumatized. "She was robbed. he was drugged and left to sleep in the alley. When she woke up, she checked her wallet and cellphone was still there. And she was immediately shocked when she saw her hair was cut so irregularly. The last time she remembered, her hair was still long and tied in a bun. strange robbery," she said. Lisa's friend.

she didn't realize that he was talking to the robber Lisa and talking about the come off, in my trouser pocket there was a bunch of hair tied with a rubber hair tie. that's what I took from Lisa, her precious bun. This is just the one that I got and this come off is what started my dangerous adventure.


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